That's the link above to his favorite brand; pretty wild stuff in there. Peter has been absolutely instrumental in making me comfortable here my first few days. Technically speaking, I am legally barred from doing my job until my work papers are processed. I my best estimation, I am probably one of the best cared-for illegal aliens in Denmark today. We did get some great news today though that my papers should come through by Tuesday of the coming week, a few days ahead of what we anticipated.
After strolling around the town and enjoying another fantastic lunch (Peter has great taste in restaurants, although looking around today's place and the number of men wearing scarves indoors, I felt a tad underdressed in my Killswitch Engage T shirt and Old Navy Rugged shorts), Peter showed me the University of Århus. This is a 40,000 student institution and looks a heck of a lot like some of the campus shots at Notre Dame, at least the ones featured in the film "Rudy." Sadly, Jon Favreau was nowhere to be found.
We then proceeded to pick up Peter's kids, who were going to some afternoon activities and I was shortly after dropped off at the Hotel Atletion. I threw on some workout clothes, including a brand new Tigers T shirt, and hit the training center here at the Athlete complex. Pretty cool place, considering it's a training center for not only the teams under the area's Athletic Club, but also one for Team Danmark (the Danish Olympic squad). Working out at the same time as me was an Olympic Sailing champion and also a handball player who enjoys a good smoke after his meals; who says there are no more heroes? In any case, I got a great lift in with a trainer who works with several of the teams here.
Tonight I got to eat dinner out with some of the guys from the team. More info to come on these guys shortly, but all you need to know at this time is the following: everyone here has an awesome name. We went to a local brewpub in town after dinner, where I was lucky enough to sample a delightful English-style ale (10 ounces for a mere 33 DKR/$6! I'll take eight!). Pricy, but very, very good. The place featured four brews on draft, each one made onsite. Their selection also switches pretty frequently too, so I'll be interested to see what they have available in the coming weeks of Spring. The following picture wasn't taken at the place we went to tonight, but it's pretty apropos considering the title of this post, the Danish word for beer. Skål.
Needs more Tuborg.