Apartment update: I am moved and settling in quite nicely. Still got a good bit of stuff to put away that will probably have to wait until tomorrow or the day after. Tomorrow's going to be a big deal because as of about one o'clock today, I am a Danish (sort of) citizen. In order to become a citizen here, one needs to relent their current citizenship wherever else they might be from (no such thing as dual-citizenship). With that, people who live and work here longterm are permitted to do so, receiving many of the same benefits that citizens do, as long as they renew their work permits as needed. I'll be taking care of a lot of that stuff tomorrow.
As this place continues to look more presentable (and when I'm feeling less lazy), I'll post some pictures so that you might see what a Danish apartment looks like. Spoiler alert: I looks very similar to a US apartment, except for the electrical outlets and the toaster. I applaud the Danes, particularly the city of Århus, on their green initiatives, but I'm sorry, this toaster makes no sense to me.
Who wants to manually flip their toastables over the heat source that lets out all the heat it generates?! Much to my dismay, noone here has the foggiest idea of what a "toaster oven" is. Then again, the same could be said for "Bagel Bites."
Got a lot of stuff from Ikea yesterday and a table with chairs today. Two of my offensive linemen helped me bring it in (well, one more so than the other) but afterwards it was nice to have the company. Among other things we discussed after demolishing a whipped cream and strawberry torte were the subtle differences between American and Danish "Yahtzee." They had never seen the likes of my electronic handheld device (also known as "Beep Beep Spiller") before and thought it defeated the purpose of the game, which was to promote togetherness and bonding. This is precisely the reason why I like my little machine better. Apparently in Danish Yahtzee, there are many other ways to earn points, including "Two Pairs," "One-of-a-kind" and "Everybody-gets-a-Yahtzee." Okay, maybe not the last two, but they DO get fifty points for their subtotal bonus, instead of the standard thirty-five. When I tried to show one of the guys how to operate the handheld game (who was CLEARLY having a hard time understanding its intricacies), he exclaimed, "You're crappy at dice-ing!" Maybe I am, but my score was still higher than his. Good times.
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