Nonetheless, I assure you that my lack of posting was due to a professional commitment. I neglected to mention that I was going to be away for the weekend at a Youth Camp in Viborg, about forty-five minutes west of my present location. I figured I could just post from the camp seemlessly, while you all out there would be none the wiser. Alas, foiled again by technological technicalities. Damn.
The camp was held at some school (you'd think I would have remembered the name) in Viborg and was open to all U13 and U16 team in Jutland (DK's Western Island mass). It was pretty cool to be involved with a camp that basically attracts half a country's youth football players. In all there were about ten clubs represented (including some wildmen who drove twelve hours from Oslo, Norway), totalling about a hundred campers. While there were no ghost stories nor smores (which I am so jonesing for right now), there were a bunch of kids there who might not have had the best idea of how to play football, but sure as hell wanted to learn.
For my first European football camp, I'd say things went okay. I didn't make anybody cry or throw up. I got a little sunburnt that should turn into a nice tan in a day or two. I yelled and screamed and hooted and hollered and I think maybe ten or twelve kids understood what I was saying. A good time was had by all.
I guess word travels fast in DK any time a foreigner graces the American Football scene because most people there seemed to know me better than I did myself before I even got there. That was sort of a cool deal, although I did grow a little tired of answering the question, "How come you didn't go to the NFL after college?" Short answer: "So I could be here, of course." What was really great was being able to converse with other coaches and organizers about the state of Danish American Football. I know it may seem a tired point by now, but considering how small participation may be in comparison to other sports, the people who are involved absolutely LOVE the game. Very nice environment.
That being said, there were a few things I could have done without:
1. Leaving home without my toothpaste.
2. Having to wait in line for food behind all the kids.
3. Sleeping on a throw blanket on a gymnasium floor.
4. Yelling at 100 campers to go to sleep and having no shaving cream to retalliate against those who gave me a hard time.
5. The canned breakfast sausages from this morning (picture Johnsonville Lil' Smokie with a strangely metallic aftertaste).
Looking forward to some rest now, dem kids done weared me out. First game's in six days, so this is going to be a big week. For now, I leave you with a few nice shots from this weekend's action.
rock on dude