Well, I guess things change sometimes, as some Dane is most likely enjoying it this very moment with his or her HIGHLY undeserving iPod. When I took my phone out to check the GPS (which probably would have been successful, had I spelled the name of the location properly), I rested the case on the seat of my bike. After my search for directions failed, I called Peter to guide me from my location. As I talked, I began to walk with my bike at my side (with the case still on the seat, at least for a little while). I nearly came to the door of the barbershop and looked for my case to return the phone to when I suddenly realized my costly mistake.
I retraced my steps exactly as I had walked, through a very crowded square in broad daylight with temperatures warm enough that to prompted me to take off my fleece before checking my phone. I returned to that location. Nothing. I looked up and down that particular alley. Nothing. I looked along the sides of the alley, to see if had been kicked aside. Nothing. I asked the sales attendants in the two stores closest to where I had been standing if anyone had turned such an item in as lost. Nothing. I looked in garbage cans. Nothing. I returned to the square and ... you get the idea. I even went back for another look after I booked a time with the barber. All searches were in vain. My very prized possession had most likely been picked up by a passerby, who realized what an awesome case it was and felt they needed to claim it as their own.
I was instantly devasted when I realized I'd lost such a great accessory. I quickly convinced myself things could have been much worse, had my phone or iPod been in the case as well. However, it's still not a great feeling looking back to see how easily such a tragedy could have been avoided. I even told myself at the time to put in in my pocket, but figuring I wasn't going anywhere, I didn't see the need. Bottomline: it was a stupid mistake that was totally my fault and should have been never happened.
But, I'm of course also going to pin this one of the dozens of other people that were in and around the alley and square at the time. I absolutely refuse to believe that not ONE person saw the case fall from my seat. "Hey dummie, you dropped this," is all it would've taken and I would be writing about how I ALMOST lost my very dear musical bodyguard. Furthermore, the area where it would have fallen was frequented by some pretty high-rollers; people who probably would have no use for such a commoner's item. Could they not have had the decency to help out a lost American in need of a haircut? Nicest people in the world, my eye.
Apart from this sadness, today was a pretty nice day. Beautiful weather as you can see by the many people pictured below out for a midday rest by the stream.
The barbershop was absolutely awesome and I will most likely write about it in greater detail in the future. It has the classic chairs, mirrors, twirly thing outside, old men smoking in the corner, you name it. Peter has made an agreement with the owner of the joint to allow me to come by as needed for a trim; something to which I am truly grateful for because I don't think this place is any too cheap.
There are a bunch of news clippings outside singing its praise and there's a damn bar in there for heaven's sake. I had to kindly refuse the owner's very persistent offerings of beer an othe libations, as I had to go to practice later in the day. I opted for some water, which came in a bottle emblazoned with the place's name and logo on the label. Good stuff. The barbers, of course, were masters of their craft as I got one of the best haircuts (below) I think I've ever received from someone not named Bobby Abbatiello. They also shave with straight razors, something I absolutely must take advantage of in the months to come (just to say I have).
That's all for now. Time to go to sleep without my carrying case for the first time in many moons. Good night old friend, we had a good run. I'm sorry.
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